Our non-surgical treatments include anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, thread facelift, PRP Platelet Rich Plasma, INTRAcel and advanced micro-needling.
Our cosmetic surgery includes breast enlargement, breast mastopexy (uplift), breast reduction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, body contouring, removal of moles and small skin lesions.
Almost every day there are press and media pieces about new, miraculous anti-ageing or skincare treatments. These products and treatments often make exaggerated claims of benefit and rarely live up to their promise. With this large number of established and new treatments available our patients trust us to help them make effective and safe choices. We do not engage in flashy media campaigns or promotions but instead allow our results and reputations to speak for themselves. We pride ourselves on providing honest advice and treatments based on proven scientific and medical principles. Most of our patients come through personal recommendation and word of mouth.